Pan Ohio Hope Ride

My adventure in riding across Ohio to raise awareness, support and HOPE for those diagnosed and treated for cancer, and give them a place of refuge during that treatment.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Greetings! My name is Cindi Hart, and I am participating in the Pan Ohio Hope Ride this coming August.

I just celebrated my 3rd year of survival post breast cancer on May 19th. I am 44 years old (and not ashamed to share it, as I feel that every year I add on to my age is a year I have stolen back from cancer). I had ductal carcinoma, a double mastectomy and chemo.

I have a wonderful husband (Ken) and a 12.5 year old daughter (Madison) and bikes are a BIG DEAL around our house. You see, Ken and I met because of bike racing. It is a part of who we are.

When I was diagnosed with cancer, it was the bike that I turned to for my therapy. It was the bike that took the brunt of all my tears and anger, and it is the bike that I celebrate being alive on.

I am very much looking forward to sharing the road with you, my fellow warriors of hope in this event to provide a fortress, to house those in their fight. We ride together in accumulating strenth, and celebration of life, but ultimately to support those in need in their battles.



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